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In The Dirt - Vision Landscape Nursery Newsletter

In The Dirt ~ Vision Landscape Nursery

Newsletter for NOVEMBER 2014

We will be open by appt only beginning

Nov. 23, 2014 until March 2015.

Please call if you would like to visit our nursery during the time between Nov. 23, 2014 and March 17, 2015.

Numbers to call: 360.582.6679 Eli or 360.460.8474 Allan

We will resume our regular business hours in March 2015.

Final countdown before we go to by appt only business hours. The nursery slows down but the landscaping is going along strong. Yes, even in the winter months Allan keeps busy with designing and installing gorgeous landscapes.

You can always visit our website: to see a tiny sampling of his work.

To honor you as customers and friends and to decrease our inventory, we are having a VIP discount month this November.

Tell us what or who you are grateful for, and you will receive 45% off. I know, I know. Last year it was 50% off, but Allan said, 'No. We are going backwards at that discount." He is a Dutch farmer at heart after all. He rarely says, 'no,' and when he does, 'it is so.'

You, Vision Nursery Family will get 45% off all plant stock and it is as good as it is going to get. This doesn't include our soil ammendments or artists' goods but it does include any pottery we might have left.


by Eligia this month

Eli is an awesome cook, artist, gardener and mom. She shares some of her own recipes with us. We are lucky!

Fresh Pumpkin Pie

Substituting condensed milk for coconut milk with a gluten friendly crust and diabetic friendly filling! Yes, all in one!!!

1 small sugar pie pumpkin

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Wash pumpkin. Slice in half from top to bottom and gut.

Once cleaned place cut side down in a baking dish and add about a half inch of water to dish.

Place in oven and bake until pumpkin is soft to a fork, about an hour.

When done set aside and let cool.

Roasted pumpkin seeds make for a healthy snack too!

For crust:

1 1/2 cup of flour mixture (see below)

1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup coconut oil/butter

3-4 tablespoons cold water

My Flour mix : 3 equal parts brown rice, millet, and quinoa or oat flour.

In a mixing bowl, sift together flour mix and salt. So cube up butter in small cubes and add your coconut oil when it is cold or firm works best. Sometimes I will do half butter and half coconut oil.

I have also just used coconut oil and it turns out great too.

Work in you butter/oil with a strong fork, once you have it thoroughly mixed throughout your flour slowly add your cold water.

Your pastry consistency should stick together if you squeeze a handful, and then crumble apart.

This pastry cannot be rolled out as the flour will not hold together.

So add it to your pie pan and press it around with your hands to form your crust and set aside.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Filling :

2 eggs

3/4 cup sugar (Xylitol) Remember Xylitol is toxic to dogs and cats

2 cups pumpkin

1 can coconut milk (Thai Kitchen or Golden Star, regular unsweetened, not the light)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ginger

1/4 teaspoon cloves

I like to add all ingredients to my Vita mix blender (the pumpkin is better blended to avoid any stringiness). Pour into crust and bake at 425 for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 and bake another 45 minutes. Cool completely, and enjoy with a little scoop of your favorite ice cream or just by itself!!

Yam Lovers Creamy Yams

4-5 large yams

2 cans coconut milk chilled

4 tablespoons coconut oil

1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon ground ginger

1/2 cup pecans for decorative top dressing -optional

1/4 cup of agave

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Wash and dry yams.

Rub with coconut oil and bake until soft to a fork about an hour to an hour and a half.

Cool just enough to handle and remove skins.

Add to a bowl and mash.

Carefully open the chilled coconut milk, which when chilled long enough (a couple hours or overnight is better) the cream separates.

Scoop all the cream off the top and add to yams along with the rest of the ingredients.

Use an electric mixer and mix until creamy, if you have stuff stuck to the mixer when you pull it out of the bowl it should be tossed out, this is the stringy fibers that is not that fun in your mouth.

Scoop into your favorite serving dish, smooth out and make a creative design with the pecans. A sprinkle of cinnamon makes it complete! Enjoy!


SCC Concrete

After almost five years of hoping, planning, saving and dreaming, we finally have our courtyard patio completed. Professionally installed by SCC Concrete. Because the patio is so very beautiful and the nature of all who worked on this project so very stellar (professional and kind), we wanted you to know about them as well.

This month, we simply HAD to recommend Shawn's company. We invite you to contact them for any concrete projects you might be dreaming about.

Finally, a small place amongst the acres of land where weeds cannot grow. I am so very happy and relieved to have a sweet little place off our kitchen where our hearts, minds and spirits may rest and rejuvenate.

Here is some information about SCC from their website.

Their specialty is innovative concrete foundations and flatwork for residential and commercial properties.

Whether it’s a foundation or an outside environment, we take pride in adding artistry, craftsmanship and customer service in all our projects. We’re a personable, local business serving Jefferson & Clallam Counties in Washington state. We invite you to explore our selection of striking, high-quality projects we’ve showcased for you to enjoy here.

Budget: Home improvement projects are investments that when done right, improve your lifestyle and home value. We’ll work within your approved budget throughout the entire process.

Shawn and Sarah Canepa live in Sequim – a step away from their horses and a short drive from the snow and surf. They are fully committed to the North Olympic Peninsula and love to share their passion for the area with the clients they serve.

SCC is a personable, local company built on relationships. We work with you to produce a beautiful, high-quality product. Not only is our product known as flexible and limitless, we have become known for our flexibility and outside-the-box thinking.

Even with a simple project, outside-the-box thinking can lead to the design modifications to save you money, improve quality, and visual appeal.

As a homeowner, you can expect…

· A personal approach to what can be an overwhelming process

· Timeliness, communication, and accessibility

· Unlimited help with the design and choices – we’ll even take you to see projects in person!

· A complete, no-surprises proposal

As a contractor, you can expect…

· A professional, yet personable, addition to your building team

· Excellent communication and follow-through

· Comprehensive proposals with an emphasis on product quality and process efficiency

· Confidence that our product will reflect the same attention to detail your customers expect from you

(360) 681-2211

We love what we do! You are welcome to contact us with any questions regarding your dream plans or up-coming projects. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss the multitude of options available and provide you with a free estimate.

SCC is happy to provide homeowners and contractors free, comprehensive estimates for their plans.

However, we take it a step further – we will help you design and sift through the immense options concrete offers you.

Shawn Canepa, President

(360) 681-2211 office

MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 1305 Sequim, WA 98382



Allan and Claire's dream patio! Gorgeous! Clear winter nights mean a warm fire on our new courtyard. So very happy!

Right Now...

Just finished counting the living Christmas trees that we still have available. We still have quite a few. Come in before Nov. 23 and purchase yours at a 45% off savings. We have Frasier Firs, Blue Atlas Cedars, Incense Cedars, Hinoki Cypresses, Alpine firs, Hemlocks, Alberta Spruces and Doug firs left that make great Christmas trees and then look great planted in your garden.

The sun is shining and Eli and I are moving all the trees that we have been hand watering into irrigation. We have also been selling a lot of trees! Thank you for coming in and allowing us to help you create your paradise on earth.

If you are going to use a living tree for your Christmas tree, let us know so that we may give you the information sheet to keep your tree happy and thriving.

If you are going to do a cut tree, please find an organization that you align with and want to contribute to and buy your tree from them. We will not be selling cut trees, garland or wreaths this year.

There are many very decent groups that sell cut Christmas trees as fund raisers. Even if their price is not the lowest, you are giving them money to support their cause and that is what it is all about.

Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of weeks. We are going to spend Thanksgiving with Allan's mom. We are grateful for family. We are grateful for friends that are our family of choice. We are grateful to be living in a place that is definitely our paradise with and around people who are inspiring, generous, good humored and love us for who we are. You love us with all of our foibles and unique personalities, our loud laughs, dog hair covered clothing and open arms. To be part of this community means the world to us. Thank you.

Our nursery will close (actually be open by appointment only) Nov. 23 - Mid March 2015. Allan will be busy continuing to landscape and I will be busy going through my mother's things, cleaning our garage, sewing a duvet cover and pillow cases, writing, doing home projects, mastering a pastry crust, rejuvinating and restoring my heart and soul with the love of my husband, my dear friends, my beloved animal children and spending time in my warm and welcoming home in a quiet and peaceful space.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, our dear and

compassionate customers and readers of In the Dirt. We very definitely could not do this without you.

In the Dirt (and sometimes frozen mud),


Claire Bernards, CPH (WSNLA), M.Ed (UW),

Co-Owner of Vision Landscape Nursery

131 Kitchen-Dick Road

Sequim, WA 98382



Vision Landscape Nursery

Phone: 360.683.2855 / Email:


Our nursery welcomes you to come and wander around and experience the relaxing sights and sounds that embrace you here at our Destination Nursery located on the scenic loop on the lovely Olympic Peninsula between Sequim and Port Angeles.

131 Kitchen-Dick Road

Sequim, WA 98382

Email us at:

Secret Code for NOVEMBER 2014

"I am grateful for ______!" Come in and say the name of someone or some place that you love. Say this before we ring up your order and SAVE 45% off your current tree and shrub (plants only) order.

Our sale to the public is 40% off.

You get 45% off by tell us who you love.

Life is grand!

KEEP GOING! You can get it done. Here is your list of ...

What to do in your garden this fall:

Deep water your trees and shrubs.

Amend your soil with a dressing of compost.

Turn your compost pile.

Use your garden debris and leaves to start a new compost pile.

Plant trees and shrubs.

Be sure to keep them well-watered, even through the winter (Snow permitting).

Continue planting garlic.

Plant cool season annuals.

Covering mums and asters on nights when a frost is expected, will lengthen their blooming.

Clear away dead foliage.

Dry and save seed.

Take cuttings of tender perennials.

Harvest and dry or freeze herbs for winter use.

Harvest winter squash once the vines die back, but definitely before a hard freeze.

Continue harvesting fall crops like beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, kale and leeks.

Clean and put away empty containers and garden ornaments.

Clean and sharpen gardening tools.

Continue winterizing your water garden.

Clean bird feeders.

We will be open by appt only

Please call the manager, Eligia at: 360.582.6679 to show you around if you would like to visit our nursery during the time between Nov. 23 and March 17.

Thank you for all the great support this year.

This is our 14th anniversary of our nursery. Woo Hoo!

We love being a part of the community here in paradise, aka, The North Olympic Peninsula.


Throughout the day:

1. Stretch gently and mindfully

2. Take frequent deep breaths with your attention to the air moving in and out your lungs

3. Drink fresh spring or mineral water - half your body's weight in ounces. I weigh about 145lbs, so I drink 72.5 ounces of water a day. I will often add a slice of lemon or cucumber for fun and flavor. My girlfriend Lee said that this was simply too much water for her. I always defer to one's intuition and body wisdom. Let your body guide you.

4. Eat a large green leafy salad with a no oil dressing at least once a day

5. Give and get a hug from someone you love,

6. Say thank you frequently throughout the day to those who help you or help others

7. Volunteer your time to a charity or organization that inspires you

8. Sing your favorite song out loud and wiggle your bottom/hips while you do that

9. Sleep 7 - 9 hours a night

10. Spending time petting and massaging your animal children with focused attention on them, lowers stress, lifts our spirits and increases our immunity against colds and flu



These are Claire's suggestions to a long healthy and happy life! I have no health or medical credentials other than being healthy and happy and feeling great!

So, use common sense and listen to your own body's wisdom and guidance when ever changing a lifestyle or nutritional pattern.

We have gift certificates & cute garden statuary

If you love Bonsai, check out the Dungeness Bonsai Society by calling Bob Stack at 360.683.1315

Living Christmas tree information:

thanks to one of our favorite nurseries: Swansons in Seattle for the information presented here.

Celebrate the Holiday Season by decorating a beautiful living tree in your home; then enjoy it for years to come as a permanent landscape plant.

It's environmentally friendly, cost effective, and

easy to do if you follow a few simple but important Instructions to ensure that your tree stays in

good health throughout the transition.


The less time indoors, the better.

Remember, your tree is dormant.

If it remains indoors or too

warm for more than a week, it may break dormancy and suffer damage when placed back outdoors

in the cold.

Also, indoors with the heat on, the humidity is much lower than outdoor plants can

handle, and they can dessicate quickly.

You might consider placing the tree pot on a rolling cart or

dolly and moving it outside overnight or whenever you leave your home.

Before bringing your tree indoors

Water the tree well by thoroughly soaking the entire root ball, not just the outer surface.

We also

recommend the use of an antitranspirant such as Wilt Stop™.

This helps protect the tree from the dry, warm air of the house.

Inside the house

Your room should be kept as cool as possible; avoid placing tree near heating vents, fireplaces,

appliances, etc. Use only 'cool' lights (or no lights) on the tree; 'hot' lights may burn the foliage.

Check moisture daily, making sure the root ball is moist, not just the soil surface or burlap.

It helps to water slowly, allowing a lile at a time to soak into the root ball.

Ice cubes work great for this, as well as keeping the roots cool.

Protect the floor or carpet from pot seepage or spills.

Avoid using spray flocking, which will harm the tree.

If your tree has been in too warm a location with too low

humidity for too long, it will likely NOT show damage until it comes out of dormancy in spring.

Moving your tree outdoors

Once moved back outdoors the tree should either be properly planted in its permanent location, or

temporarily placed where the root ball will be sheltered from harsh freezes.

'Heeling in' the tree into

the ground, mulch, or a compost pile is helpful.

Keep it watered if the winter is dry.

If the temperature outside is continuously below about 25ºF, keep your tree in a protected, but cool,

area until it warms up above freezing.

We hope you enjoy your living Christmas tree this season and outside for many years to come.

Please contact us with any questions.

For more information, visit hp:// (keyword search for “living christmas tree”)

We will be open by appt only beginning

Nov. 23

Please call the manager, Eligia at: 360.582.6679 to show you around if you would like to visit our nursery during the time between Nov. 23, 2014 and March 17, 2015.

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Inquiries for Landscaping, please call Allan at 360.460.8474 or email:






© 2020 copyright Vision Landscape Nursery.  All rights reserved

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